Casey Hanley

Programmer by Day, and Sometimes by Night

About Me

Hi, I’m Casey. I'm a software developer living in Wisconsin.

I've been programming since 2012, back when I decided to major in Computer Science in college. I love keeping up with programming-related topics and seeking out new ways to solve puzzles with code.

I began my career out of college at Apple, where I worked on a variety of web-based tools. Since 2017, I've worked at FSB Companies in Chicago, where I work with small businesses to help them grow using software. Most recently, I've been focused on building apps for iOS and server platforms using Swift.

I'm enthusiastic about the future of the Swift programming language, including its adoption on the server. I'm also very passionate about the Mac platform, and couldn't imagine my life without it. My favorite programming languages are Swift and Go, but I've also enjoyed the time I've spent learning Objective-C.

I'm often happiest when I'm building things, and most of the time that means writing code in Xcode. When I'm not building things, you'll probably find me walking or running around outside, exploring the streets and parks of Madison, Wisconsin.